Recent Chinese Actions Signal a Potential US Fiscal Crisis

The recent news of China’s record-breaking sale of US Treasury securities is not just a blip in the economic landscape; it could be an early warning sign of a significant fiscal crisis looming for the United States. While many focus on overall US government debt, the crucial factor to consider here is the balance of payments.

When a country operates with a trade deficit, it must be counterbalanced by financial inflows in the financial account to maintain equilibrium. The US has consistently run a substantial trade deficit, and as expected, this deficit is matched by financial inflows. But what are these inflows, and who is buying US debt?

A closer look at the US balance of payments data reveals that the most significant component by a large margin is ‘Debt Securities’ with a long-term maturity. In 2023, the net issuance of these securities was around $821 billion.

These debt securities, often in the form of Treasury bonds, have traditionally been purchased by governments and central banks, including China. This strategy was employed to prop up the US trade deficit, encouraging more exports to the US. However, a shift is occurring, and now private foreign investors are the primary buyers of these securities.

Private investors are currently attracted to US Treasuries due to the high-interest rates on offer. But here’s the catch: these investors are ‘yield sensitive’. If interest rates drop, they will likely offload these bonds, leading to a potential dumping of US debt.

This scenario becomes even more likely during a recession when the Federal Reserve typically lowers interest rates to stimulate the economy, possibly even resorting to quantitative easing. At the same time, a recession would decrease tax revenues and increase unemployment claims, forcing the US government to issue even more debt.

Adding to the complexity of this situation is the growing alliance between Russia and China, which is actively promoting a multipolar world order. Wall Street strategists are certainly taking note, but a striking absence of these stories is evident in the mainstream financial press. It seems that ‘narrative control’ is still believed to be effective by some, despite the diminishing returns of such tactics.

The Western press, once a source of economic insight, now resembles Pravda, offering a facade of stability while Western leaders remain oblivious to the shifting economic landscape. This is evident in their continued demands on China, seemingly unaware that China is the largest foreign holder of US debt.

China, recognizing the dynamics at play, has been steadily offloading US Treasuries, passing them on to yield-sensitive investors while diversifying their holdings into gold.

The impact of these economic shifts on Americans’ living standards is difficult to predict precisely, but initial modeling suggests that US living standards may be overinflated by approximately 27% relative to their trade deficit.

Market observers are now waiting to see how a potential recession will affect US debt dynamics. Lower interest rates and increased debt issuance could lead to a foreign investor exodus from US Treasuries, forcing a correction in the US trade deficit and a subsequent decrease in living standards.
Enter Bitcoin: A Potential Safe Haven

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