Joana Cotar Advocates Bitcoin

Bitcoin: Decentralizing Money and Safety for Freedom

Joana Cotar, a Bitcoin Advocate in the German Parliament, Questions the Need for a Digital Euro

The concept of a digital euro is still in its early stages, with the European Central Bank (ECB) exploring the idea. However, no decisions have been made, and various factors must be considered before implementing such a system.

Joana Cotar, a prominent figure in German politics and a member of the Bundestag since 2017, has been vocal about her stance on the digital euro. Formerly associated with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, Cotar parted ways with the party in November 2022 due to disagreements with its leadership and policies.

During a recent speech in Germany’s Parliament, Joana Cotar, sporting a #Bitcoin T-shirt, boldly declared, “Nobody needs the digital euro.” The use of the phrase “nobody needs” implies her belief that a digital euro wouldn’t bring significant benefits to society. Instead, Cotar seems to advocate for Bitcoin, emphasizing its decentralized nature operating independently of traditional financial systems and governments.

Cotar’s perspective gains significance as she holds a position in the German government, suggesting a potential shift in support for Bitcoin within the country’s leadership. However, it’s essential to note that this is an individual opinion and may not reflect the broader stance of the entire German government on the matter. As the concept of a digital euro evolves, Cotar’s vocal support for Bitcoin adds an interesting dimension to the ongoing discourse surrounding the future of digital currencies in Europe.

In the aftermath of her impactful speech on the digital euro, Joana Cotar has experienced a surge of nearly 1,600 new followers within 24 hours. Expressing gratitude for the positive feedback, Cotar seizes the opportunity to spotlight a crucial initiative.

Visit to learn about our project aiming to equip members of the German Bundestag with a comprehensive understanding of Bitcoin and raise awareness about potential risks associated with a digital euro.

Cotar emphasizes the significance of the #Bitcoin community, inviting anyone interested to contribute. Reach out via email, and active participation is guaranteed. Join the cause at @BTCimBundestag. Together, let’s shape the conversation around digital currencies in Germany.

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